I went shopping with a friend yesterday, and I have yet to experiment with YouTube videos, but there’s no reason I can’t share my MINI haul with y’all! So, just for fun here are some products I got!

My friend & I went to the *big* mall in our town & ventured into Sephora! I love all things cute & when I saw a Beauty Haul on YouTube featuring a Hello Kitty Brush Set, I decided to see if they had one. There were none on the sales floor, but I asked if the associate would check in the back for me,— my friend and I both ended up getting these adorable Hello Kitty brush sets! The head opens up & reveals a 5-piece mini brush set.

There are 5 brushes, they all say “Hello Kitty” on them and are each labelled: lip, shader, angled eyeliner, eyeshadow, face. They’re really soft. AND the inside holder pulls out for easy cleaning! The best part is that these were on sale, so I got this set for $13! I also took home two sets of Sephora brand eyelashes, one in Flutter and the other in Mysterious, both on sale for $3. I’ve never tried Mysterious, but I’ve been using “Flutter” for a long time and they are perfect for when you don’t want people to know you’re wearing falsies, but still want to add some length and thickness. Also pictured above are some nail stickers I picked up. Hello Kitty nails are in my future!
We also went to Target, where I scoured the clearance area for deals.

As you can see in the photo, I think I did pretty well. LOL. I’m sure you’re all preparing for Halloween, like me & I got a “Beware” sign that I’ll probably put behind a tray of cookies for a dollar. I figure, for a buck, how can you go wrong? So I got a few other dollar items including a two-pack of Puffs, the “Swanky Hankies” with leaves on them, a mini Dove deodorant for my gym bag, and a travel baby powder, great for stinky feet… which I may or may not get sometimes…
Moving on! I loved the packaging of the EOS Lip Balm, so I had to buy some. It’s so cute, and if you don’t have some, it’s very reasonably priced at $3.29 & smells pretty. I bought the Strawberry Sorbet because it was the pinkest pink one I could find. I also ended up buying a bunch of dental supplies including a mini pack of flossers for my purse, a new Spin Brush (mine fell in the toilet… *shakes head* *face palm*), and TWO Hello Kitty travel kits. Definitely a future purse/ gym bag addition in the future. I also picked up some Hello Kitty body spray for $4- it smells like candy!
I needed a new miniature purse brush without the little balls at the end because I just put my extensions (micro-ring) back in & those brushes will catch and pull my hair. So, I found a Boar Hair brush on clearance for $2.08. It will serve its purpose. I also spied some hair ties for $2.71, which I thought was a good deal, plus I needed more black ones. I don’t know what happens to my hair ties, but I think quantum physics could explain it. Perhaps they escape through a worm hole into another dimension, or maybe they’re all just under my bed somewhere. Either way, I really needed some more.
Finally, I’ve recently become obsessed with false lashes. They just really open up my eyes and complete every look, so I watched a few haul videos and product reviews and found the Ardell twin pack in Natural & some flamboyant Katy Perry lashes and picked those up. Also, upon recommendation, I grabbed some Duo Lash Glue. It’s a darker color, almost a brown/ black, so it won’t leave any ‘clues’ on your lash line. That way no one will see the glue or be able to tell (potentially) that you’re wearing false lashes!
I am most looking forward to trying out the DUO lash glue to see if there is any difference and to see if it makes my false lashes less noticeable/ obvious. I also want to see if its easier to apply than the glue that’s included with most other brands of lashes & if the color makes it harder to know where the glue is being applied on the lash. I will update with a review, once I try it out!
I tried out the DUO lash glue. It comes out a little runny, so *squeeze gently.* Plus side: you don’t need very much at all. It goes on a dark grey/brown color, and it isn’t hard to tell where you’ve applied it vs where you have yet to apply it. In my opinion, it’s not that much better than white glue, just because mine typically doesn’t show, but if you tend to use a lot of glue and it shows, this might be a good product for you. I found that my lashes went on easily, and stayed on all day. Then later, they were easy to remove.
Bottom Line: I will probably not repurchase this product because, in my opinion, it doesn’t work better than the glue that normally comes with my lashes. Sephora lash glue works just as well. However, if I typically bought bulk lashes in multi-packs (if you know where to find bulk (10 or more pairs) packs of Ardell lashes, please leave a link in the comments below), I would probably buy this.
I hope this review has been helpful 🙂 If there are other lash products you would like me to review, please let me know 🙂
Great haul!
– KW
Thanks! 🙂 Added DUO Lash Glue review 🙂