The Return of the Irreplacable Define Jacket

Hello friends!

In case you missed it: Somerlea announced the triumphant return of a classic, yet indispensable design: The Define Jacket.

New Define Jacket Herringbone

It’s hard for me to truly articulate how very much I have missed this design. Here are Britt’s Picks for next Tuesday, showcasing that the Define Jacket will be home for the holidays!

Define Jacket is coming back!

Some of you may remember my post about a year ago about the Define Jacket versus the Forme Jacket. If you’re used to the Forme Jacket, and you want to see what the differences are, you might want to check that out. I also wrote about the Define Jacket when I lamented how, although I was excited that the Savasana Wrap was coming back, I was also disappointed that the Define Jacket only received a small portion of the vote during the “Hey Lululemon” contest.

I can’t wait to see what colors come out & if the fit and feel are exactly how they used to be. I’ll make sure to post about this as soon as I see them in-store. Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: has been retired by Lululemon as of May 16, 2016

Author: lululemonexpert

Blogger, Lululemon Enthusiast, Polyglot, Autodidact