UPDATE: August 2020
Here is a handy chart for you! I hope this update helps! If you want some additional examples and/or explanations, please scroll down!

Original post, 2013 below-
It seems to me that, no matter what I do, there will always be someone who undermines the community and sells fake Lululemon items. They might call them “replicas,” but they’re fakes. They are NOT the same Lululemon, nor are they ever the same quality. Many sellers on eBay will sell a combination of authentic and phoney Lululemon items in order to avoid getting caught and unfortunately, many consumers have difficulty distinguishing between authentic and counterfeit Lululemon. They make all sorts of claims regarding authenticity and quality, but they infringe on copyright laws and international intellectual property laws, preying on unsuspecting consumers and earning a hefty profit.
Related: I recently wrote a post on “What to do if you accidentally bought Fake Lululemon.” If you read this post and discover that you have, this related post will tell you what you can do about it.
Here are a couple of examples of a fake/replica/counterfeit Scuba Hoodie.
Note the fact that “Designed” is spelled incorrectly as “Designde” and the shape is the “OM” on the top of the Hoodie is questionable, to say the least.
I intend to continue to add examples of fakes as I encounter them. Please be aware, and if it seems too good to be true, it may very well be.
While the danger of buying fakes exists on eBay, there are also many websites dedicated to selling fake Lululemon items. Their web pages are convincing and they tout excellent exchange policies and guarantee authenticity, but the truth is, that once they have your money, they won’t care about how satisfied you are with their product. The worst offender, in my opinion is Ali Express. They steal stock photos from Lululemon’s website and advertise that they sell wholesale Lululemon at discount prices. Lululemon states that it ONLY sells in its stores, on its websites (which are listed) and in select studio partners. This information is located HERE. Oh, and all those positive reviews on Ali Express? They’re fake too! For real information and reviews on Ali Express, check here or you can look here. You can also look here. Ali Express is not the only seller of fake Lululemon, but they are the first google link for searches like “cheap Lululemon,” so I’m sure they get a lot of web traffic. By the way, the fakes do not look like they do in the pictures on the website, and the fabric isn’t the same quality either.
Scuba Hoodies aren’t the only fakes circulating! There are Fake Stride Jackets too! Here is an example of a fake Stride Jacket:
For three reasons, this is obviously a fake Lululemon Stride jacket. The first reason being the shape of the “OM” symbol on the jacket. It is not the same as the authentic Stride Jacket pictured Below:

The second reason being the tag. If you zoom in, you can see the words “made in china.” The “c” in China is not capitalized, but if you compare an authentic Lululemon tag, you’ll see that the “c” IS capitalized, which is grammatically correct. The third reason that this is an obvious fake is because Lululemon never made a brown & pink Stride jacket like this. Sometimes the colors of fakes are so similar to the real ones it is difficult to discern simply from a photo whether it is a fake or not, but not this time.
I hope to continue to add more as I encounter them.
UPDATE: I found a few photos of a fake Forme jacket.

Now, take a look at the seams on the authentic Forme Jacket below:
I also found fake Wunder Unders with the tag attached on the rip-out tag, as well as another fake Scuba Hoodie.

While the give-away here is obviously the hang tag attachment point, I will also encourage you to consider again, the shape of the Lululemon Logo, and while they can correctly copy it onto tags, it is rarely sewn properly onto the garment. The shape is once again, incorrect.
I hope to continue to add more examples of fakes to this post.
I want to add that there are multiple websites that sell fake Lululemon. Not just Ali Express. This isn’t real: CHEAP LULULEMON, This isn’t real: LULU @ LOW PRICES!!! [2020 update note: I removed the links, because the websites no longer exist, and just give you a 404 error, but they used to sell fake Lululemon] There are tons of fake Lululemon websites with very convincing fronts. Their photos are stolen from Lululemon’s website and the product you see will not be the product you receive. Please remember that the ONLY websites that Lululemon sells their products on are listed HERE.
Found another fake on eBay.

As you can see, the HANG tag is attached at the RIP-OUT tag, which, again, Lululemon never does. Can you imagine trying on pants with the tags attached there? Yikes! And what’s with that weird bag that says: LU- W06?

I found more pictures of a fake Stride Jacket on ebay, from a seller with ample feedback.

UPDATE: The same seller who sold the Stride last week is now selling a fake Lululemon Scoop Neck tank.

So much wrong with that product tag. I hope all of these examples are useful.

Two major things are wrong with this one. One: Lululemon never made a Scuba Hoodie in this print. They made a Grey version called Blazer Fossil. But there was never a red version of anything in this print. Two: See the “Luon” tag (again, mistakenly attached to the rip-out tag), Scuba Hoodies are NOT made of Luon!! They’re made of Cotton Fleece, according to Lululemon’s website.
Found this fake on eBay

Again, the rip-out tag has a Lower-Case “c” in ‘China.’
First you want to make sure it’s actually fake. If you’re convinced it’s a fake you’ll want to consider the payment method you used. If you payed cash or EMT, you’re probably not going to get a refund. If you paid EMT however, you might be able to find a name & report the person to the authorities for fraud. If you paid with PayPal as goods, you’re totally covered and can get your money back. Just consult with the seller & make your complaint. If the seller is unresponsive, open a case with PayPal & they’ll return your money once they’ve confirmed via tracked shipping that the parcel has been returned to the seller. If you paid with PayPal as gift, you may still be able to contact PayPal and they may grant you a courtesy refund, but I wouldn’t recommend paying as gift ever. It doesn’t protect you to pay as gift. If you did pay as gift, and the money went through your credit card, you can also call your credit card company to see if they’ll refund your money. Other than that & calling the authorities there’s really not much else you can do.
I recently saw these and I chose to post them because they are a unique type of fake. This pattern WAS made by Lululemon but these are obviously fakes. A few reasons: the plastic covering over the size dot, the existence of a “I belong to” tag and finally, a small misspelling in the rip-out tag.

UPDATE: I found these on eBay, from a seller that has a decent amount of positive feedback. Unfortunately, this tag has a ridiculous description, in addition to being attached at the wrong place. It says “smooth, soft waistband that can be worn up for a higher rise or down for a lower rise,” which is completely false. These are not “roll down” wunder under crops, and they’re also not HBLK (the color code it says at the bottom), which is “Heathered Black,” nor are they DEW, or Dewberry, which they also claim to be on the product tag.

I decided that it would be a good idea to add an update to this post about where you will most likely find Fake Lululemon items for sale. Locally, you’ll find it on websites like Kijiji or Craigslist. I would be cautious, overall, inspecting the product closely, in person, before the exchange. I don’t necessarily want to discourage anyone from buying locally, the local deals can be the best deals! BUT If someone is selling the same item in multiple sizes, I’d pass. Online there are many places you’ll find fakes. It’s actually quite rare to find a fake in the Lululemon based Facebook groups because many of the ladies who love Lululemon as much as I do can quickly spot a fake. However, there are many places online that sell fake Lululemon. I’m going to start writing and maintaining a list, much in the way I’ve been periodically adding photos to this post. I will also remind you that Lululemon does not sell wholesale and that they have posted a list of official sites where they sell their clothing in their FAQ section. (Update 2023- Link removed- They no longer list where they sell their clothes, but long story short, just buy things off their official site.)
UPDATE (Jan 31/2015)

At the end of the year, WordPress tells you which of your posts is bringing the most traffic to your blog. This post topped that list. I want to express my appreciation for those of you who are as concerned as I am about the existence of fakes and replicas of Lululemon clothing. WordPress also suggested that I write more about this topic, considering the popularity. I have one idea for a post, and I’m interested in hearing any ideas you have that might help others, in general, but also if there’s anything you think I should write about. I am not going to do a new “fakes” post, even though, I think that would bring more traffic to my blog. I prefer to write useful posts that have the potential to help people. Please let me know what you’d like to see me write about.
Thanks, as always, for reading!
Hello again! I recently received a comment on another post that inspired this update:
How to avoid accidentally buying fake Lululemon on eBay
First, if the listing is for a common item (think Wunder Unders, Scuba Hoodies or Groove pants), I always keep my guard up especially for common colors (like black). Anything New With Tags listed significantly under retail should be an immediate red flag. A few dollars under retail, to encourage bidding, I can see, but a “Buy It Now” under retail or a starting bid of a dollar on a 3 day auction would set off an alarm especially if it were a common item that is often faked.
Secondly, the listing should include photos of the actual product. If there are only stock photos that is a red flag. In some cases it could mean that the seller doesn’t possess the item and in others, it means that the seller knows that they’re selling a fake and that the fake may be obvious to a skilled buyer and that the seller is afraid of being reported to eBay for selling fakes.
If you check your seller’s detailed feedback, which I always do before I make a purchase, you should be able to see everything they’ve sold for the past little while. If they’re selling only items new with tags and they’re of varied sizes, this should also be a red flag especially if these items are going for significantly under retail.
I hope the above tips help! Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see on this topic!
October 21, 2015
Today, while perusing eBay, I discovered a fake Define. I took a couple of screen captures, and thought it would be good to share them here.
The first photo of this fake Define jacket, shows the hang tag incorrectly attached at the top of the neck. The second photo, shows shoddy stitching on the left wrist/ thumb hole area.
Update: Jan 16/ 2016
Found these on eBay. They’re particularly concerning because Lululemon actually did make this “Beaming Blue/ Laceoflage” color, so I was almost duped until I saw the tags. Again, the tags are attached to the rip out tag, so that’s wrong. Next the tags themselves are not correct. Finally, a lot of the stitching appears to be of poor quality.
January 26, 2016
I realised just a moment ago that I haven’t mentioned the “rip out” tags themselves in terms of feel. The fake ones tend to feel silkier than the authentic ones, but most of all the real ones will rip out easily. They are designed to do so. If you can’t easily rip out the tag, there’s a chance your item is not authentic. Alternatively it is very old. Some very old items either have the tag printed right on the garment, and other very old items will have a short tag that is not designed to be ripped out. Again, always be cautious about “New With Tags” items. I hope this adds value to this article, and as always, thanks for visiting!
I also recently found this fake Bang Buster. This made me especially sad because I absolutely love the Band Busters. But this is an obvious fake. Begin by noticing the attachment area/ method of the price tag, and then notice that the writing is incorrect. Second, this color was never manufactured by Lululemon. The one part that might fool a potential buyer, in my opinion is the effective duplication of the signature Lululemon metal logo on the side. I hope no one is fooled by this fake Lululemon Bang Buster!
UPDATE February 24, 2016
Fake Define on eBay
Again, just notice the attachment of the tag. Also: the seller did not provide very good photos.
UPDATE: JULY 2, 2016
From a reader, thanks to Ms. R for these photos. Unfortunately, this is a fake Stride. First off, notice the “OM,” is not like other Strides. The tag, although correctly written, is attached too high, and does not “Tear out” like other Lulu tags. There is a “mesh” in the hood, which I’ve never seen before. Then, of course, the tell-tale sign of fakes, the plastic film over the name tag and size dot.
UPDATE (Oct. 2016): Hello again everyone! It’s time for another update!
Here, again there are some signs. First thing I immediately notice is the strange font on the tag. Also, number 4 on the tag is hilarious. There is no gusset in a tank top.
UPDATE: April 2019
Thanks to reader, Jennifer, for sending me a couple of other examples. As you can see, there is a significant misspelling on the tag “Switly” and the hang tag is attached at the tear out tag, rather than near the armpit, or side seam, where it is typically located.
Is there any way I can email a few pics of a fake Stride I just bought (unknowingly until the day after)? I’m almost 100% sure it is- tag difference, symbol on front, size difference between my stride bought at the store and this one, material and there is this ‘mesh’ on inside of hood as well as pockets that is concerning me. I just to confirm 100% that this is a fake. I got burned by the seller as she told she would return it then got really nasty and now blocked me from Facebook – so frustrating. If you could help that would be great! I want to resell the jacket as UNauthentic but want to be sure- thank you. My email is mkbebolm@mymts.net
Sorry mkbeholm@mymts.net
Hello, Kerrie! First of all, thanks for reaching out! I think I’ll start providing contact information, so that in the future, when people have a more pressing or private issue, such as the one you’re having they can email me directly, then I can choose whether or not to write about it. I am sorry about your predicament. First off, I’m assuming you paid in cash or EMT? (Email Money Transfer) If you paid with PayPal, you may still be able to retrieve your money, even if she has blocked you on FaceBook. Second: which page did you buy it from? Was it a straight buy/ sell page or was it a Lululemon-based Facebook page (like the Lululemon Exchange, for example)? If you bought it on one of the Lululemon pages, please contact an admin, and let them know the other girl is selling fakes, so that other people don’t get burned.
The final thing I want to mention is that while I’m sorry someone is selling fakes, I just can’t advocate for you to re-sell it, even if you tell people that it’s a fake. Reason being, is that it’s actually illegal to sell fakes, even if you tell people it’s a fake. It’s like if you buy a fake Louis Vuitton bag at an outdoor market. You know the bag is fake, the vendor knows it’s fake, and you’re both fine with it. The only entity that might have a problem with it is Louis Vuitton. They wouldn’t charge you directly, but they could charge the vendor, if they wanted to. What they really want to do is halt production of fakes, but it’s extremely difficult to enforce copyright laws in foreign countries, so fakes continue to be in production. Frankly, there may be a market for fake Lulu, even if you tell them it’s fake, but it is illegal, so like I said, I just can’t advocate for you to break the law.
I have emailed you, maybe it’s not even fake after all! Send me some pics, so we can both know for sure! I will post back 🙂
Unfortunately, it turned out that her Scuba was a fake, the main indicator being the small “c” in China, but other signs were present as well. If you suspect you may have accidentally purchased a fake I will be writing a post on what to do and will update with a link to that post.
I emailed you because I think (not positive) I found a fake scuba jacket. The details are in the email!
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
Thanks for your email! I replied! Good news! I think it’s real!
Im worried now that I bought some fake studio crops on ebay. My friend has a pair of red ones that she got a couple years ago and I just love them so much that I wanted them too. I just received them yesterday and they are definitely not the same color. They are more of a coral/orangey/red. The tag says “Lore”. Is that supposed to be “love red”? If I could send you some pics of them to investigate that would be great!! 🙂
Hello! I personally, have never heard of fake studio crops, but I know fake studio pants exist, so it’s always possible. LORE is “Love Red,” and Lululemon comes out with different colours all the time. I suggest you bring them to your local Lululemon, but I honestly don’t have any experience with fake Studio crops. I would definitely check the tag for spelling errors, but that’s all I would be able to do.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I was just doing a bit of research and I think my friends crops may be “Currant Red” and mine are Love Red. I read that Love Red is actually a bit orangier. So my bad 🙂 The tag looks authentic with no spelling mistakes. I think I may try to dye them to be more red and hopefully not ruin them, Wish me luck! 😉
Good Luck dying them! You might want to try using RIT dye 🙂 I have heard of some people having good results with that.
What color is the symbol?
Thats what I heard too! I’ll give it a try!
Another thing to watch for is the material of the rip tag. I was gifted a couple ‘lululemon’ items and one of them is a fake. The rip tag is coming apart in little layers and has a different overall texture to it, which was the first giveaway, and then when I put my hands in the pockets(it is a ‘scuba’), the stitching on the pockets was uneven, so one pocket is higher than the other.
Has Lulu ever put the logo on mens back pockets of pants?
Hi there! To be honest, I’ve never seen men’s Lululemon faked. However, I am mostly a “women’s Lululemon-expert” 🙂 Thanks for your question! If you need to know more about men’s Lulu, you might want to try asking Eric over on the lululemonmen’s blog. He’s also fairly active on Twitter.
Replied to your email! 🙂
Hi! Your website looks like the place that might be able to help me. I’m reselling a used Lululemon Cool Racer Back tank top I bought last year (on the app Poshmark), because it’s just a little too snug on me and I have other lulu tanks and workout wear that I’ve been using. Anyway, the buyer is refuting the item now stating that it is not authentic. It is definitely authentic because I don’t buy too much Lulu (it’s a bit pricey!) and I bought it at a new Lululemon store that opened in the Bridgewater Commons Mall, Bridgewater, NJ shortly thereafter it opened, around February or March of last year. Anyway, she states that she’s never seen a CRB with a logo on both the inside and outside, that the tag doesn’t indicate to wash with like colours only, that the printing is very different, and that the texture of the tank is different. The latter I can see because I wore it once and washed it (and probably threw it into a hot dryer, which I’m sure you don’t do with luon!). The other items though, I have no idea since this is my only CRB and I bought this a while ago. I also am not selling it for that much (I told it at $25 negotiated down from $32) since it was used. I don’t know what to do, because I know it’s authentic! I also bought at the same purchase one of the fly-tamer headbands (in a super cute mint green and polka dot) and a light as air mint-colored thong. I guess the question I have is have there been any significant changes to the CBR since this? I currently don’t have the tank with me, and I’m awaiting if she is going to return it back to me, and the pictures I have are good but not super detailed (I didn’t think I would have to document so much since it’s just a tank top! but I guess I do, yikes!). If I do get it back, could I do what another poster has done and email you them? I really don’t like being told my stuff is fake!
I’m not 100% sure I understand exactly what’s going on, so forgive me if I get something wrong. BUT: I think that what you sold her is a “Fresh Teal” Cool Racerback. I found a photo here: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/244461085996498919/ Or you can just google it. (It’s based on the time frame you gave me and the fact that you also purchased a “petit dot fresh teal fly away tamer.”) The second thing I can say without seeing pics is that there are MANY cool racerback’s with logos on the inside and outside. It means that they’re reversible. And because the Fresh Teal one came with contrast stitching (there’s a darker green stitching on the inside of the tank) you could theoretically wear it inside out to show off the stitching, hence the logo on the other side. As far as feel and fabric goes, CRBs are usually made of some Poly/Cotton blend so they all don’t feel the same. In fact, LuluAddict and Lulumum have and do address this in their blogs regularly. Sometimes they’ll say, I was going to get this but it felt too Poly-y, or something to that effect. And a lot of the CRBs that end up going to Mark Down (on sale) are usually the ones that contained a higher percentage of polyester. So, they all can and do sometimes have a different feel to them. Finally, I will say that, without seeing pictures, I can’t know anything for sure. As for laundering instructions, I don’t know about that, but with fakes the rip-out tag ALWAYS (I have yet to find a fake that doesn’t) has some sort of spelling OR grammar error. So, I hope this helps in some way. I’m certainly no grand authority, but I am an expert 😉 Thanks for your question!
Wondering if I can get your opinion on this jacket and whether it seems real or not or too hard to determine from the pictures? http://www.ebay.com/itm/LULULEMON-Womens-Black-Zip-Up-Jacket-sz-6-/321349650986?ViewItem=&ssPageName=ADME%3AL%3AOC%3AUS%3A1120&item=321349650986&nma=true&si=y1nk5Nte64eJOYHlwRt7M8ehWag%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
My opinion: real, but old. I wanna say it’s a Da Bomber jacket from 2009-ish, but I could be wrong. I think it’s real though, I’ve never seen a fake Da Bomber before- not to say it’s not possible, anything is, but my opinion is that it’s real.
Hi! I have a dance studio jacket (I believe) but looks like an older style, it’s reversible and have a mesh type material inside. Could I send you pics to know for positive it’s authentic?
I can email you and you can email them to me and I can probably let you know. The main things to look at with DSJs are the tear-out tags and the size dots. I would recommend joining “The Lulu Chat” https://www.facebook.com/groups/luluchat/ and asking there, because then you’ll get many opinions. But I’d be happy to help you if you provide me with your email address.
I have recently bidded on these without even considering if they’re fake or not and now I’m concerned. It says Made in Cambodia… Please lemme know if theses are real or fake!
Yes, I do believe that these are real. Lululemon does manufacture some items in Cambodia.
Thanks! I overlooked then and on the tag it says Seif? I believe? But other garments say body? Is that something to be suspicious of?
Sorry it’s just the auction ends in 1 hour and someone bidded higher than me!
I do see that it says “self” instead of body, I’ve never seen that before. I still think they’re real because of the hang tag, and the fact that they’re heathered medium grey, which is a color that just recently came out. It usually takes the forgers a little while before they can come out with the new stuff. However, I am now going to defer to the policy of Lululemon, because I wouldn’t want anyone to buy anything based on my opinion alone. Lululemon’s policy is that people should only buy items from their websites, to avoid buying inauthentic items. I can’t guarantee that something is real any more than they can if it’s not purchased directly from them. I still recommend joining one of the chat groups where you can get many opinions and it is also eBay’s policy that a) selling fakes is not allowed and b) if you buy something that is a fake you can get your money back through their buyer protection program, even if the seller has a “zero returns” policy. I know that the auction is over, and I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you on time, but I hope that this advice can help you in the future. Also: consider joining one of the buy-sell groups online- lots of authentic Lulu on sale there all the time.
Real or fake?
Unfortunately, the original poster has removed this listing.
Hello! I was way too innocent about shopping for lululemon on Ebay without checking if they were counterfeit first 🙁 I’ll have to pay shipping but if I message the seller shortly, I will most likely be able to return them. Could you take a look, please?
The first ones are fake. They have the product tag attached to the rip-out tag. The second ones also have the tag attached in the wrong place, and this listing also comes from China, which concerns me. I hope that you’re able to take advantage of eBay’s policies to get your money back.
Hi there,
I am so thankful that I found this site! I am wondering if the vinyasa scarf that i received this week on ebay was a fake. I have an authentic one that i purchased from a lulu store, and I’ve noticed several differences between the two. I’m not sure if the style that I bought on ebay is just an older style and maybe things have changed since, but you can imagine my concern if I paid $80 for a fake scarf. It’s a much thinner/lighter material, there is no tag (or no sign of one that has been cut off), and it’s not hemmed around the edges, but just looks like it was “cut”. Additionally, it came in a plastic lululemon bag/covering, which was what made me wonder if it was fake to begin with, because I have never seen lululemon sell anything in those plastic wraps. Not sure if the link is still accessible, since the auction is over, but if you could take a look that would be so incredibly helpful. http://www.ebay.com/itm/261450324100?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
I’ve certainly learned my lesson from buying lulu on ebay, that’s for sure !
I’m happy to tell you that this is definitely real. Older Vinyasa Scarves by Lululemon had unfinished edges and the small metal symbol is authentic. Heathered Porcelain blue came out a while back, but it’s definitely real.
I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear that! I guess it was just the weird lululemon plastic bag that it came in that threw me off, since I had never seen anything like that before and it had some of Chinese writing on it. That and the fact that there was no sign of a tag. Thank you so, so much for your help! 🙂
Hmmm… Maybe they’re getting better with their fakes, then… I didn’t see a Chinese bag in the listing you linked me to… Let me look again
There wasn’t a photo of the bag in the listing – it was what it came shipped in. I can send a photo of it if that would help!
It definitely would, maybe you can PINTEREST or Instagram it and link it here? I’ve considered sharing my email address on here, but I’m afraid of all the mail I’d get, plus these public conversations can help people more than if it were done in private.
Completely understand – here is the link to the image of the scarf and the plastic wrap it came in. The lululemon logo is on the bag, but I just have never seen any lululemon items come in something like this (and I order from lululemon.com quite frequently!) Apologies for the poor quality, it was hard to capture the writing with the strong lighting overhead. Thank you again for taking a look! http://www.pinterest.com/pin/178666310192031440/
First, thanks for your understanding! Second (and arguably more importantly) I tried clicking the link 3 times and got the same error message! Pinterest keeps telling me: “Whoops! We couldn’t find that page.” Try again?
Strange! Try now? I reloaded it… http://www.pinterest.com/pin/178666310192031440/
Still can’t, maybe it takes a second to “be there.” I will re-try in the morning, don’t wanna make you work extra hard, may it just needs a little time?
Hmm, that is so strange – I’m sorry about that! Let me know if it works in the morning – if not, maybe I will try instagram instead. Thanks again, and sorry for all the trouble!
OK, got it. I see, I am wondering if this bag was SEALED at the time you got it or not, but I can’t tell whether the bag itself is fake from what I can see. Lululemon items DO come in plastic bags when you order online.
No trouble at all! The reason I’m asking about whether the bag was sealed or not is because the only way I can think of to say “It’s fake” is if she’s taking photos of the real deal (because the scarf on the eBay listing does look real to me) but then selling fakes from China. The reason I’d have to assume it was fake if the bag was sealed is because she describes the scarf as EUC, and therefore “used.” If the bag was “open” but just happen to have a scarf placed inside of it, then my guess is that she ordered something online and placed the scarf she was sending to you in the bag she received from her purchase. Honestly, my overall impression is still that it’s real, but I will always concede my expertise to the many and suggest that you join “The Lulu Chat” on Facebook and ask there, OR bring your scarf in to your local Lululemon to ask them. The other reason I think this is real is because the person selling it has a ton of positive feedback. Most “fake” sellers on eBay have very little or no feedback.
Gotcha. I didn’t know that lululemon sometimes ships things in plastic bags like that – it does make me feel better about it. Maybe i’ll choose to be optimistic here and hope that it’s real. I wasn’t sure about the unfinished edges, but the fact that older ones do feature that is definitely another good sign.
Again – I can’t thank you enough for your efforts and your speedy replies! Definitely a huge help!!
My pleasure, I enjoy interacting on here with other people who LOVE Lululemon!
Thanks for your question!
Just got your other post as well – and all makes sense to me! I’ll try to bring it into a lululemon when I have a chance, as i’m sure they’d know… thanks for the suggestion! 🙂
Hi. Just couldn’t resist to comment here. This website has saved me and been so helpful. I am on the other end of things. I love lululemon but as a person with young family can’t afford it much lately. I just bought what I am pretty sure is a real stride jacket used off eBay but we will see when it arrives I guess. Regardless I am familiar with Aliexpress and found lululemon on there and got excited at discounted prices and potential to resell etc. (my husband and I are interested in ecommerce but have been seeing its a crapshoot for us by the way). Anyways I was in the planning stage of buying lululemon off Aliexpress to resell on eBay not really knowing the stuff was fake but wondering if it was too good to be true (cuz lulu stuff goes for lots even on eBay and I saw the potential for profit). Anyways before moving forward with my test run of a few products off Aliexpess I decided to GOOGLE lulu lemon knockoffs and I found your site. Your pictures and descriptions on ID of fakes are awesome. Ali express does definitely use stock photos so I had been looking at the pictures going ‘that stuff is for sure real’! But no it’s not -I know now because of you. One aliexpress seller had the fake tank on a mannequin and you can see the bottom hem is crappy. Not lulu quality. Another seller had the Stride jacket laid on the floor for a pic and the quality looks questionable and the label is attached to the rip out tag as you mentioned. So to conclude you saved me and many others from a crappy debacle and I am so thankful. I am a good person and I can’t morally sell or deal in fakes it is wrong even if you could do it, get away with it, and even keep people happy and deceived… Just wrong. I will attach a couple links to those fake pictures off aliexpress in link form and send you a link for my eBay lusting of the stride I bought used (which I believe is authentic-hope so I payed $100US!)
Thanks for hosting this site.
Thanks for taking the time to tell me your story, I really appreciate the ways my blog was able to help you, because I write this for only two reasons: to help people and because I really enjoy writing. I’m super happy you shared with me & I’m happy that you were able to make a better purchase decision based on my blog! Thanks for reading!
My purchase which I think is for sure real. Looking at the OM thingy:
Yes, from what I can see this one is real. I’ve never seen a Coco Pique fake, but you never know for sure unless you buy it at the store, right? I don’t like to say “For sure” just so nobody gets mad if I’m not 100% right. But I’ve never been wrong! 😉 I hope you like your new coco pique stride & if I were actually concerned about the authenticity (which I am not), I would read the rip-out tag (if it is intact) and look for a size dot in the pocket. (If it’s not there, it’s still not necessarily a big problem, sometimes they fall off.) Another thing is that when people ask me about fakes, it’s almost never the “used” condition items that are the fakes, and usually the new ones. Although, it does happen. (For example, if someone gets duped and instead of getting rid of it some other way, they choose to sell it.) In any case, the one you bought is SUPER soft, I hope you like it!
Fake stride off Ali express;
Just look at that “Om,” totally off.And that’s probably one of the better ones!
Fake racer tanks off Aliexpress:
What about the pockets on their pants. Has Lululemon ever changed the material of the pockets? Thank you!
I think I would need specifics (what pair of pants & how is the fabric different?). What my main concern with pockets is when there’s a plastic film over the size dot and ‘my name is’ tag. I hope I can help you, I just think I need more information.
Hi, I was wondering if you can help me ID/authenticate these leggings:
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
Photo 4:
I tried searching for “ruffle leggings” but only found pictures of Wunder Unders with ruffles straight down the side calf seams. Sorry, photos aren’t the best quality but they’re from the seller. If you could help, that would be great! That said, I found your site just a couple days ago and have already read close to a dozen entries…AWESOME and incredibly helpful info for a Lulu newbie like me (I literally just got my first Lulu in hand today). So thankful for people like you who take time out of their day to help total strangers. This is my favorite Lulu blog so far. THANK YOU!
Thanks for your kind words and comments. I started this blog because I enjoy writing and I love Lululemon! I’m really glad you like it- I wanted it to be a little different than the current offerings out there. In answer to your question: The pants are called “Dance Yogi” Pants. I really like them, though they’re slightly older, it looks like they’re from 2010- ish? I haven’t tried them, but I bet they’re made out of good old fashioned Luon. The only thing I would be concerned about is pilling in between the thighs… I hope that helps! And thanks for reading!
Thanks for this! As someone fairly new to lulu I don’t really know what all the different clothing is made of…luon etc…but this has been very helpful. I do have a question…did lulu ever put the ‘I belong to’ tag in their clothing? And why is there sometimes a size dot & sometimes not??
You’re welcome! And thank you for your comment! Yes, for some time, a while back (I want to say at least 4 years, but I could be wrong), Lululemon put an “I belong to” tag in some of the articles of their clothing, but that’s not something they do anymore. (A lot of fakes still do, so that’s something I’d watch out for). As for size dots, sometimes Lulu puts them in (in fact, I’d say that they usually do) and sometimes they don’t. However, sometimes they also fall off- so just because an item doesn’t have a size dot doesn’t mean it’s not authentic. I don’t know why, but that’s just the way their design team does it. 🙂 Thanks for your questions!
Hi! I love your blog, it’s so fun and helpful. I’m new to Lulu. Could you check out these listings?
Silver Lining tank, the hem looks uneven to me but I’m not sure if it’s just how it’s hanging on the mannequin:
Pure Balance tank:
Find Your Flow crop:
From a different seller, cross back tank:
Hello- Thanks for writing. From what I can tell these listings are for authentic products. As I try to convey to all of my readers, one can never be 100% sure and Lululemon recommends buying off of their site to prevent any potential issues. However, these look find to me. The only time I really worry is when the item is NWT, so, I personally, would proceed with caution over the Find Your Flow crops, but honestly, I’ve never seen fakes of these before. Generally, faked items are ones that Lululemon has established as core items. (Like Wunder Unders and Scuba Hoodies) So, those crops are probably fine, but like I said I won’t 100% guarantee anything- I could be wrong. I hope that this is somewhat helpful and I hope you pay as goods through PayPal and/ or are able to take advantage of Poshmark’s return policy if you’re unsatisfied with the items. Thanks for writing 🙂
Thanks so much for taking the time to view those and to reply so quickly!
No problem. As long as my WordPress application is “on” in the background I get notifications on my phone, so I usually know when someone has commented on a post- and I’m not so popular yet that I can’t respond to everyone 🙂
Would love if you could help me out! Do you happen to know anything about the history of the Define jacket? I have one but mine has thumbholes – I have my eye on one for sale on ebay but it does not have thumbholes, which makes me suspicious. Was there ever a version without thumbholes? Or is this a fake?
Here’s the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141350938156?_trksid=p2059216.m1431.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Hey there! Thanks for your comment! I’m 100% sure that this is NOT a fake. It is also, however, not a Define Jacket. I believe that this is a Shape Up Jacket. If I HAD to guess, I’d say 2010-ish in the color “Alarming.” But I don’t actually know. Here’s a link to a photos of Shape Up jackets: http://www.luluaddict.com/2012/10/rumor-defines-being-discontinued-shape.html
I just bought Lululemon capris but I’m not 100% sure of they’re real.or not. I can send a photo via email if that’s possible. email me back and I’ll send you a photo! thanks -Sarah
Hi Sarah! Im sorry I don’t currently supply my contact information on my blog, but if you provide your email here, I will be in contact with you and I will help you the best I can! Thanks for reading!
I just realized that I have bought, unknowingly, several fake Lululemon items over the past few years. I found out via a facebook page that a jacket bought on consignment was fake, and after reading this page and looking at my tags, know that I have at least one other item that does not seem to be the real deal. I feel so taken by this, since I paid decent money for these things.
I don’t know what to do with them now, either. Is it acceptable to just give them away? The ones I use I can keep, but some does not fit.
This is actually a topic that I feel is a personal decision. I have seen discussions on the topic on the chat forums. While some people chose to continue to enjoy their garment, even though it was fake, others chose to throw it out and others still chose to give it to a friend who didn’t care that it was fake. I can’t tell you what to do, but i would certainly advise you against selling them. I hope this has helped and I’m sorry that this has happened to you.
Thank you – I gave away the knock-off jacket on a young runner’s group facebook page, and the woman who got it was so grateful to have it, even knowing it wasn’t authentic, that I know giving it away was the absolute right decision. I kept the other item since it is actually a favorite shirt of mine, and I’m not fully positive it’s a fake? I appreciate your blog and this was helpful – I’m so wary now before I buy anything secondhand! Thank you!
Your appreciation is very meaningful to me. One of the main reasons I write is because I want to help people using my accumulated knowledge. I’m glad you found a solution that worked for you!
Does Lululemon have any of their items made in Cambodia? I ask because that is what is on a pair of shorts I just purchased from a second-hand store.
Many Lululemon items are made in Cambodia.
Is there any way I can email you to send you a couple of pictures of “hopefully authentic” Lulu items I have recently purchased privately?
If you post your email, I will email you and take a look, but everything I know is in this article. I especially would be cautious about New With Tags items. Sometimes people think things are fake, when really, they’re just an older style. If be happy to take a look but I choose to not provide general contact information on my blog, so you’ll have to post your email so I can contact you.
My email is ” peachesmom75@hotmail.com “, if you don’t mind 🙂
I am sure you are busy but I am still looking for an email from you 🙂
I am so sorry I don’t reply yesterday! I have been staying at my mother in laws and haven’t used my computer, I will email you now from my phone!
Thank you! I’m going to look for your email now! 😀
When you have a moment, I have sent you a few more pics that need your expert knowledge 😀
well i just got a pair of fake dance studio 2 pants off of Amazon. Luckily they will refund my money. There was an accent mark on athletica…. and the tag from my other pants that are the same did not match! I am so mad!!!
One of the reasons I wrote this post is because when I first started buying Lulu, I too was duped. I wasn’t able to get a refund. It was very disappointing how far some people will go to make money, but knowing that I help people with this post makes me feel better about getting ripped off. I am glad that you’ll receive a refund and I hope the seller is removed from Amazon!
What color is the symbol?
I purchased a pair of super toasty gray pants via Poshmark and am having a super hard time authenticating them. No tags, no white dot, and I can’t dig up anything via Google. They’re either older or fakes. One detail these have that I’ve never seen is pink stitching around the drawstring holes and a pink logo. Is that a sure sign of a fake? If not, would you be willing to email me so I can send photos along for authentication? I assume they’re just older and that’s why I’m struggling, but I wanna be sure that’s all it is.
If you write your email here, I will be in contact, but those sound awfully difficult and I may not be much help. I imagine that they’re probably just old, but I will take a look, if you leave your email here.
Haha, they are a bit old, I figured out a little more about them after posting here. They’re a pair of Cuddle Up pants, and I found the dot in a mesh panel inside the pants, but I still can’t find a pair that have the pink drawstring holes and logo on Google Images. I can be reached at iceof//hearts@hotmail.com (minus the slash marks). Thank you very much for the help!
Sent you an email 🙂
Hey I have pics on the last 2 fakes I bought off eBay/Amazon for the studio 2 dance pants. Please email me so I can send them to you. Man it makes me mad that I have to be informed to buy. But I spotted immediately with your help on the first. The second I had just bought a pair from the store and compairing them side by side was a joke.
Hey there, Dawn! What’s your email?
Does lulu always have a zipper pull on it? I’m looking at a special edition that has cable knit on the sleeves and there’s no zipper pull (rip tag has been removed, but other than that, it looks good – but it’s on ebay, so it’s hard to tell)
Not necessarily but a more likely scenario is that it has fallen off.
Good morning! Do you frown upon asking your opinion if the intent is to resell? I have a question about a mens shirt, and also a No Limits tank that has a blank hangtag, no “reasons we made this listed.”
I don’t frown upon it at all- and often, I’m sure that’s the case… Why not create a tumbler or Pinterest page so I can look at your items? Or provide your email address here, and I will be in contact with you!
Do you think these are real? Thanks 🙂
My best guess is yes, just because they’re used and typically items that are fake are sold as NWOT or NWT. The other reason is that these are not a typical style of Lululemon that is often faked (like Wunder Unders, Inspire Crops, Groves, Scubas, etc…). One caveat is that there was no photo of the “rip out” tag. That is the best way to “authenticate” something. However, my over all feeling on these is that you have nothing to worry about if you purchased them.
Hi there! First of all, I’m loving your blog; very helpful for Lulu newbies. I didn’t see any mention of Speed Tight IV pants, and I recently bought a pair from Poshmark (which I sell a lot on but don’t buy often). I have a pair from last year or so that I bought directly from the store that I believe are also Speed Tight but a different version. Mainly I noticed a difference in the tags. The new pair says,
70% Polyester
30% Lycra(R)
I noticed the E in elastane isn’t capitalized & in general, the 2 other Lulu items I have, have the materials in all caps. They also did not put the “Lycra” on the back of the label, only “Élasthanne.” Hope you can help, as I hate fakes!
Hello! Thanks for taking the time to comment and I’m glad that you like my blog 🙂
I would love to see pictures, and even though I’ve never seen fake Speed Tights, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If you can put a pic on Pinterest or in Tumbler or on Instagram and leave a link, I’ll take a look and let you know. The more photos the better! I hope to hear from you soon!
Ah, wonderful! Thanks so much for taking your time. I’ve added photos to Pinterest at the below:
I’m very confident that these are real. They have no tell-tale signs of fakes. The tag is attached correctly, and has the correct descriptors. I hope that my opinion has helped you!
Thanks so much for your time!! I may have been nitpicking but the few things I noticed prompted me to check. 😊 There was a previous post (below) where our tags differed on #2 and 5. Plus the minor caps vs no caps on my tags. I’d rather be safe than sorry!
Better safe than sorry! Thanks for reaching out!
Ps: I think the name of this color is Dandy Digie Porcelaine Black. Another way to tell if it’s a fake is that the color code will be incorrect. This one is right 🙂
Hey, there, just found your blog – most likely too late, as I just purchased some Lulu that now I am thinking just may be fake. Stupid newbie move on my part :-(. It is an Ace tank, “new with tags.” There is no size dot and no pull tag. There is, however, a hang tag attached through a side seam. No spelling errors on it. I tried the tank on and it fits great, but what would REALLY be great is to know I wasn’t sold a fake. Guess if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. In any event, how can I send you a pic of the tank and hang tag to get your opinion? I would so appreciate it. Or, maybe just the fact that there is no size dot or pull tag to rip is a dead giveaway that its fake. Please let me know. Thanks so much!
Not always a giveaway! Put up a Pinterest link and I’ll check it out for you!
Yikes!! So embarrassed as I am not sure how to do that!! I will try to figure out Pinterest. Is there any other way to send you photos? Thanks soooo much for your quick response!
Okay, I tried to create something on Pinterest. I called it Lululemon Black Ace Tank. I put up 3 pics. I had a 4th one up, but somehow deleted it and can’t figure out how to add another one!! LOL. Please let me know if you can find it or if you need more info. Thanks so much!!
Okay, I think the 4th pic is back up there. Looking forward to your thoughts! Thanks again!
Can you provide a URL Link? Thanks 🙂
I keep posting the link here but I don’t see it posting. Are you getting it? Sorry!
Let me check my ” spam” filtered comments, sorry about that automated filter!
frustrated as every time I list the link, it doesn’t post in the comments!
I will look for it when I get to a computer!! 🙂 Don’t worry!!! 🙂
Any other way to email this to you?
Awe, thanks so much. This is so weird! But on the bright side, I learned how to create a Pinterest board LOL.
My pleasure! I will be back home later on tonight, and I will get back to you then. In the meantime, enjoy Pinterest! I use it to document my collection。
Thanks so much! Looking forward to your verdict 😃!
I’ll check in here periodically – don’t want to miss your comment :).
I just got done class (I have a 5:30 to 8:30 on Mondays, this week we got out early, YAY! 🙂 ) I’m looking into it now, and will reply to this comment! 🙂
Hello again! I’m happy to report that this tank appears to be authentic. It may not have come with a tear-out tag, or the tag may have been removed. I found this: http://shop.lululemon.com/products/clothes-accessories/tanks-no-support/Ace-Tank and your tank is in the color: black/scratch match black multi. I hope you enjoy your new tank! Please let me know if I can help you again!
That is super wonderful news! Thank you so much for your awesome sleuthing! And I sure learned a lot – about Lulu AND Pinterest lol. I will def enjoy my tank. And buy my next one at the store!! Thanks again and have a great evening :-).
I wouldn’t worry too much about buying online. Enjoy the hunt, I say! Just be wary of NWTs items, and especially common fakes like Wunder Unders, Grooves and CRBs.
It WAS pretty sweet getting this tank new for $25. But I can’t stand fakes! For some reason, I didn’t even consider the possibility of it NOT being authentic when I bought this on Poshmark. I’ve tried on all kinds of Lulu’s in the company store – the fits are very weird. I was ecstatic when this tank fit so nicely – made me wonder … Lol
Haha! Yes, the old adage is often true, “If it seems too good to be true…”But, sometimes there are good deals to be had online. At the end of the day, it’s all about you and what you want to do. I’m sure your local educators will enjoy seeing you in-store more often! 😉
My local store is pretty far away – 45 minutes 😞. And sadly, their customer service is pretty lacking. There were plenty of people working there, but they don’t greet you and ask if you need help. So not the best environment to buy. I love the styles, but it’s almost a snobbish attitude – unless you are a yoga enthusiast, they want nothing to do with you. I mentioned I wanted something for running – it was obvious they weren’t really that interested in helping me. I eventually got some help, but it took some effort. They need to do better with that, ya know? Maybe it’s not that way in all their stores, idk. The brand has such a loyal following – I’d like to think they love their customers too!
Wow! That’s terrible! I’m sorry to hear that! They definitely need to work on their service! I hope it gets better!
Me too! Maybe they have customer service surveys to fill out … but you probably only get something if you buy something in the store LOL. Oh well, maybe next time! Anyway – thanks again – and have an awesome evening :-).
I’ve never heard of them conducting surveys, but I think that’s a great idea and that maybe they should start so they can hear from customers like us!
Thanks for the convo! You have a great one too!
PS: I love to help people! It was my pleasure!
Hi. If my jacket doesn’t have a size dot nor the tag, does it mean it’s fake?
Hi there, Natalie! Thanks for visiting. In answer to your question, no, if a jacket doesn’t have a size dot, nor a tag, that does not necessarily mean that it’s fake. Some items have been made without size dots, and other items have had their size dots fall off from use over time. As for the tags, many people rip them out. If your jacket is NEW and doesn’t have a rip-out tag, then the seller may have ripped it out, or it may have fallen off some other way. If your item is NEW and doesn’t have a rip-out tag, I might worry. But the size dot and rip-out tags are just reliable ways of determining an item’s authenticity. Not necessarily are they required for authenticity. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions!
Here are some pictures. Can you tell me from looking at them please? I have until tomorrow and then they release all funds to the seller (postmark)
Sent from my iPhone
Hi there, I can’t see any photos, but if you’ll be so kind as to leave a link, I would be happy to help!
Hi, I’m really interested to find out if these are fake,
> natalierymar15@gmail.com wrote: > > Here are some pictures. Can you tell me from looking at them please? I have until tomorrow and then they release all funds to the seller (postmark) > > > Sent from my iPhone > >>
Hi Natalie, please email me the photos. I can not see them on this comment board. Thank you.
Hi what’s a good email I can send these to?
Sent from my iPhone
I have my email listed in my “about me” section of the blog. I will email you shortly at the email I see here.
I emailed you back with some images. Is there a way you can tell me from looking at them?
I have not received any photos as of yet- perhaps it would be easier to post the link here? Or post the photos to a Pinterest board- I’ve had success with that before.
Uumm, I don’t know how to to the Pinterest thing. Is there any other way I could get them to you? Email?
Absolutely, I will email you at your gmail account.
I just purchased these from Poshmark and usually I purchased gently used Lulu from there in recent styles, I have not really been concerned about fakes until another member told me to weary of the seller I purchased from. Can you tell me the ones listed in the link above are to be concerned about. She has not shipped yet and Posh does have an authenticity guarantee anyways. I can refute for 3 days after receipt..
I might be concerned due to the attachment area of the hang tag. But I can’t tell unless I have a photo of the tag itself and/ or a photo of the tear-out tag with all the fabric details. Sorry I can’t be of more assistance.
I was curious also if all studio pants have the cinch string at the bottom? I asked her if they do and she said she would check. I figured that may be a giveaway.
I also recently purchased these.. I will be brining all of them to Lulu I think to have them check.
I believe that Studio pants do have a cinch at the bottom, yes. As for the link, I absolutely cannot tell since there’s only one photo of the item itself and again, I would really like to see the hang tag text and the tear-out tag. I think taking items to Lululemon for authentication is a good idea too.
I found a Lululemon tank on ebay that I assume is fake based on the poor grammar on the hang tag. How do I send you a pic to have you take a look and give feedback? This seller is also selling other Lulu merchandise at very low prices and she claims that she worked for Lulu and therefore has a lot of clothing and she is trying to get rid of what she doesn’t want. Thank you.
You can feel free to email me at my web address on my “about me” page! Thanks 🙂 Or tweet at me @lululemonexpert
see if you can see this link for my above post…
I think this looks authentic. What are you seeing that makes you think it isn’t? I guess I need more information to help you.
Can you see the picture of the tag with all the info on it? There are a ton of grammatical errors.
I figured out how to do it from my phone! 🙂
Can you see the hang tag? There are tons of grammatical mistakes. Also, can you remove all of my personal info below? I don’t know how/why that got on there! Yikes!
I will when I get back to my PC! 🙂
I see the “helps to” part, but honestly I don’t see the other tell-tale signs of a fake. There is a size dot, and the DPZI (Deep Zinfandel) color code is correct (it often isn’t on fakes). I hope that helps
Hello. Thanks for all of your great info. I just purchased a fake lulu bra from a seller on eBay. I was wondering if you would like photos that I have taken to add to your collection.
Absolutely! Please email me! My email is located in an image on my “contact” page. I don’t write it in the comments due to bots that will scan for it and email spam to me. But please do email them to me- I always appreciate more photos
How fake do you think this define is…
Hi there! Thanks for your question! I believe this is a Shape jacket from a very long time ago (pre-2010) when Lulu did used to make size 14, but discontinued that.
No way – didn’t know that! Thanks for answering 🙂 This page is really interesting!
This is very helpful information. Thank you.
I am going to reach out to you at the email you have on your about me page regarding a Lululemon logo that I have been unsuccessful finding information on. It is not the silver omega. It is more like a shield.
Hello! I will check out your email! Lemme take a gander! I’ll let you know what I think!
What about odd price stickers that have the size but also other number letters around the size in the Lululemon No Limits Tank Tops?
Hi there! Are you taking about the size dots that have letters around them? I don’t recall prices that have letters around them. If you can link a photo or send one to me (either on Twitter, Facebook or email (located in “about me” page). Let me know! Thanks!
Got a lululemon take ten jacket jacket from poshmark size dot doesn’t match the size on the tag. Does that mean it is fake?
Not necessarily, it could be a manufacturing error, more likely, it’s been re-tagged. If you’d like, you can tweet photos at me or email me using the email in the bio (if I write it, Bots will find it and send me spam- it’s on my “about me” page in an image