Getting to know me


In case you didn’t know, I started a YouTube channel.

I’ve been really enjoying myself on YouTube, and my Lululemon Declutter Series (filming my next video Saturday) is helping me to part with things I don’t really use or need and allowing me to give more love to the things that I do really like. For example, in my declutter video, I said that I really liked the Invigorate bras, but I hadn’t been using them much. I am happy to say that I’ve been using the ones that I have a lot more since getting rid of so many other bras I wasn’t using and I even got myself a new one 🙂 (pictured)

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That said, while I really love making makeup videos- ACTUALLY I just uploaded my NEW favorite, a review of the Elsa palette by Beauty Creations. My other favorite was the review on the House of Lashes eyelash glue– why did I smell the glue!?

…As I was saying- While I do really enjoy making fun, makeup videos and haul videos, I also really want y’all to get to know me better and to start introducing some vlog-style videos on my channel, where it is literally just me, talking to the camera. And while even I do not honestly believe that I am that particularly interesting, I do think that some of my stories and experiences are at least mildly interesting in that “human interest” sort of vein.

That said, I do plan to get personal with y’all and really put myself out there. My first vlog that I publish will either be me volunteering at the Humane Society OR a Storytime about my experience with homelessness. I have both almost completely filmed and edited, but want to put an extra segment onto both of them before I publish.

I really love to write, I am really enjoying filming (editing is OK, lol) and I am actually probably too passionate about Lululemon and all things Beauty- BUT I also want all of you to get to know me better and I think that by starting to vlog and telling stories about my life, that that will help you get to know me a lot better.

I hope you enjoy the vlogs.

Have a fabulous day/afternoon/evening- I’ll talk to you soon 🙂