I’ve Been Featured on Racked!

Welcome, internet people! When Chavie Lieber contacted me from Racked to get my opinion on the resale market, I was a little nervous, but I am REALLY happy with the way she depicted me and my opinions in her article. I dutifully answered her questions and directed her towards many of my articles on the subject. For convenience, I’ll list them here:

The Culture of a Lululemon Addict

Don’t Be a Unicorn Thief

Don’t be a Unicorn Thief, Update

Introduction to the Secondary Market

What Drives the Prices of USED Clothing over Retail?

How to Determine Where to Sell Your Item

How to sell on eBay

On Unicorns

Selling & Buying on Facebook – how to start selling

How to Determine The Value of Your Item

How to get the BEST deals on Lululemon

Thanks for coming to visit my blog and I hope you follow me for future Lululemon market updates!