Vinyassa Scarf Collection

Hello everyone!

I thought it would be nice (and relatively easy) to do a Vinyassa scarf collection entry. My collection isn’t as impressive as other people’s that’s for sure! But I love this scarf And I do have a few of my own I’d like to show off. A friend commented that she “had scarf envy” of my pretty scarves and that’s when I got the idea to do this post.


In order, going top down is Deep Zinfandel/ Wee Stripe Winter Orchid, then beaming blue piqué, Heathered fossil, wee stripe lilac, flash light/ black, black/ Heathered black stripe, ultra violet hyper stripe, hyper stripe heathered bordeaux drama bumble berry/heathered bordeaux drama

Author: lululemonexpert

Blogger, Lululemon Enthusiast, Polyglot, Autodidact