Hello everyone! I was just thinking about y’all & what I’m going to be writing about in the future. I still LOVE Lululemon and will still be writing about it, but I think I’ll stick to what I know best (market, buying & selling and key pieces/ collections), and let the others cover the uploads. I’m just not as passionate about covering the uploads, as I thought I would be. I think I’ll still do some posts under my “What I’m Loving Right Now” category, but I won’t be covering any uploads, as they are traditionally covered. I might choose to cover a We Made Too Much Upload, if its especially good though, just because no one else does and, like I have said before, people do inquire as to whether something went to markdown or not, and also as to how much it cost on markdown. I will mention here that in addition to Lulu Addict and Lulumum, I have been enjoying the coverage of uploads as portrayed by Agent Athletica. As such, I have found that my coverage, though it does result in more views, has been largely redundant. Furthermore, I have difficulty expressing my opinions on clothes, as I feel that they are a matter of taste and I don’t wish to offend anyone. So, in the past, I have often neglected to express my opinion on things that I disliked in the interest of political correctness. This is in direct opposition to my personal values and one of the many reasons why I write at all. I have strong opinions and enjoy having the platform to voice them. Whether it is regarding my strong distaste for fakes, or a rather strong position in favor of Lululemon’s decisions, I have expressed my opinions rather freely on this blog, yet haven’t felt the freedom to do so when covering Uploads. I guess it’s because I regard fashion as art and what I find pleasing or treacherous is a matter of opinion based solely on my own, personal bias. Art is sacred in a way, and I tend to avoid being critical unless I have a vested personal interest, or enough experience and understanding to know what is good and what is bad. For example, I consider myself to have a fairly adept recognition of good or poor writing, which is why I have no problem writing a book review, no matter how scathing. However, I have not studied fashion, nor do I follow trends as closely as perhaps I should. Therefore I question my own opinions, resulting in an absence of many of them in my “Upload” posts. In any case, if you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading 🙂 I hope to continue to write about Lululemon, Beauty, Fitness and whatever else comes across my path.
Since you mentioned your strong distaste for fakes…question for you:
Just bought my daughter a “Lululemon Fly Away Tamer Headband Blue”.
It came today. Right away we noticed the logo on the headband was larger than the Fly Away Tamers we purchased in the store. It also does *not* have the rubber ‘slipless’ linings on the inside like the ones we’ve purchased in store. It was packaged in a plastic bag with a hole for hanging – can’t remember if this is how they are sold or not?? The plastic bag was completely blank (no logo etc). The headband itself did have a lululemon tag on it with a label stuck on that says “Fly Away Tamer Headband”, a bar code w/ numbers below: 000003422410 – I dont have any idea if it is different that a real tag. Fake? Yes? No? Did they ever make Fly Away Tamers that didnt have the rubber lining? Appreciate your input, thank you!
They are VERY commonly faked. If you bought it on eBay, and it was less than retail, yes, it’s probably fake. I’ve never heard of Fly Away Tamers without the silicone grippers on the inside. (How is that a Tamer?) However, without seeing a photo, and / or seeing it in person, I can’t make any real recommendations. If you bought it on eBay, just return it. Most people who sell fakes will take a refund over being caught and having their entire store/ eBay operation shut down. I hope that helps.
Hello- I just googled the number you have above. Unfortunately, the product you purchased is not authentic. I hope you are able to return it.
Ugh. How can you tell just by looking at the auction description?? And I paid $12.50 plus shipping – just thought it would be easier to get it delivered to my door rather than make a trip to the store. Losers! What is wrong with people? >:(
The UPC code is on many websites that sell “Lululemon.” Lulu doesn’t sell on any websites other than Lululemon.com, and a few others that are listed in my post that is linked above called “Time to talk about fakes.” I can tell by the number you gave me. If you google it, you’ll see lots of Lululemon headband websites. If you read my post you’ll find lots of info about fakes, but something specific to this case that I could recommend is that you go to a store to have it authenticated but I’m pretty certain that it’s a fake. Again, based on the number you posted above “00000342410” (or whatever it was- I’m on mobile, so I can’t see previous posts while I’m posting.) If you google that number you’ll find plenty of websites that say that they sell Lululemon, but Lululemon doesn’t sell wholesale. I recommend checking out my other post for more info- I hope this has helped clear things up.
Lululemon does ship, by the way, also: it’s free! 🙂